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Society & Culture

Child Marriage Victim Killed by Impoverished Husband

June 23, 2022
2 min read
The man said he had lost control after his wife kept asking for things the hard-up family could not afford
The man said he had lost control after his wife kept asking for things the hard-up family could not afford

A 20-year-old woman from a hard-up family was strangled to death by her husband at their home in Tehran on Monday, Iranian state news agencies report. The man later confessed to the crime, revealing that they were close relatives who had been married as children, and said he killed her out of frustration at her asking for things they could not afford.

The man had fled the scene after alerting family members. The mother of the accused said. “My son called me and asked me to hurry to their house. On entering, I was confronted with my daughter-in-law’s lifeless body. My son had fled the scene.”

Hours later the man was arrested by detectives. The unnamed 21-year-old was quoted as having said at interview: “We’re citizens of one of the neighboring countries, and we came to Iran six years ago.

“My wife was a close relative of mine and the result of our marriage is a two-year-old boy. I’m a waste collector, but our financial situation wasn’t good, and my wife didn’t pay attention to this issue at all.”

He went on: “My wife was never satisfied. She asked me for new things every day. I came home from work that night very tired, my wife started moaning again, and so I angrily wrapped a cloth around her neck in the corner of the room.

“When I came back to myself, I saw my wife was not breathing. I immediately informed my mother and uncle, and they went called the emergency services and the police. I escaped myself. But I was heartbroken. I deeply regret what happened."

Investigators at Branch 3 of Tehran Criminal Court have ordered that the accused be transferred

By order of the investigator of the Third Branch of the Tehran Criminal Court, the accused was transferred to the capital’s intelligence police. He has been remanded in custody while the investigation continues.


Baha’is of Iran

Baha'i International Community Decries Shiraz Sentences and Separation of Children from Parents

June 23, 2022
3 min read
Baha'i International Community Decries Shiraz Sentences and Separation of Children from Parents