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Nuclear Plants and Sanctions Increase Ties Between Russia And Iran

March 19, 2015
2 min read
Nuclear Plants and Sanctions Increase Ties Between Russia And Iran

The Russian ambassador for Iran has announced that an additional 200 Russian experts are due to arrive at Bushehr nuclear plant, bolstering the 2,000 Russian nuclear professionals already based there.  Levan Jagarian said just as trade relations between Russia and Iran were being boosted, it was key for the countries to pursue collaboration on nuclear energy.

During a visit to the Bushehr nuclear facilities on March 4, the ambassador told the Bushehr governor-general’s political deputy that the number of Russian nuclear plant employees “will increase now that a contract has been signed that promises to build two additional nuclear facilities in Bushehr.”

The Persian Gulf Website reported that a residential complex, with capacity for 7,500 people, was under construction in the town of Sadaf as of February 2015.  The complex, it reported, will “house experts involved in the early construction phases of the Bushehr nuclear power plant.”

The Iranian Civil Defense Organization carried out an emergency radiation drill at the Bushehr nuclear power plant and the nearby city on Saturday, March 1.  Officials and employees took part in the simulation exercise, and were taken through the necessary steps required to prevent a nuclear accident, as well as how to manage potential accidents. Participants also reviewed evacuation procedures for both the complex and the surrounding residential areas. Similar exercises were held in Iran’s Central province and Isfahan province.

Officials said the exercise was intended to “fully prepare those involved if a nuclear accident or emergency happened.”

On March 2, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced it had shut down nuclear power at Bushehr on March 1 at 11:00 pm in order to carry out the exercise. According to the organization, the facility will be out of operation for a period of two months.

Mehr News Agency reported that, during his visit to Bushehr, Leon Jagarian said he hoped “a sister contract would be signed between Bushehr and another Russian city.”

Trade between Russia and Iran has grown by four percent over the past year,

“Trade will continue to grow during this year and the next,” Jagarian said. “Imports between Western countries and Russia are banned by international sanctions but Iran can replace these countries with Russia. For this reason, Iranian-Russian economic activities are on the increase.”


Read the original article in Persian


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