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Get Married or Get Out

January 28, 2015
1 min read
Get Married or Get Out
Get Married or Get Out

Get Married or Get Out


Unmarried men working in Hamedan province should marry or look for work elsewhere, a representative for the Supreme Leader has announced.

“Bachelor employees should be given a year to marry, and if they don’t, they will be replaced by competent married personnel,” said Ayatollah Ghiassedin Taha Mohammadi, addressing an audience at Hamedan’s Public Culture Council on January 28.

The cleric, who represents Ayatollah Khamenei in the province, lamented the fact that the younger generation was less inclined to take part in family life. Steps needed to be taken to ensure the family was placed at the heart of Iranian society. “Correcting cultural views about marriage is a necessity,” he said. His statements received widespread media coverage in both official Islamic Republic news agency reports and the local Hamedan Press.


Read the original article in Persian


Speaking of Iran

Are Falling Oil Prices Pushing Iran to Make Risky Economic Choices?

January 28, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Are Falling Oil Prices Pushing Iran to Make Risky Economic Choices?