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Hezbollah Protesters Call For Bushehr Governor to Resign

January 7, 2015
1 min read
Hezbollah Protesters Call For Bushehr Governor to Resign

Hezbollah supporters, who disrupted a Lian music concert just days ago, called for the resignation of the governor of Bushehr and the impeachment of the minister of culture and Islamic guidance on January 5.

“On Monday, a group of 600 people gathered in front of the governor’s office carrying placards that condemned music concerts,” reported Khaleej-e Fars news site. They said that the governor, Hassan Ebrahimi, should lose his job because the music group Lian had been allowed to perform in the city after a 16-year ban.

Just three days prior, on January 2, 100 Hezbollah followers came together at Bushehr port to obstruct access to a concert hall where Lian was scheduled to play. Following the incident, the band, which plays traditional southern Iranian folk music, canceled two other concerts it had scheduled for January 10 and 11.

During a speech at the demonstration, cleric Hojat-ol Islam Fakoori said “the governor’s actions weren’t right because the Revolutionary Guards in Bushehr demanded that the concert be canceled.”

Cleric Fakoori argued that the Interior Minister should dismiss Mostafa Salari, the head of Bushehr province, because he had told security forces to break up the Hezbollah demonstration on the night of the concert.

However, Governor Ebrahimi said the Hezbollah protesters had not obtained permission to demonstrate, making Monday evening’s gathering illegal.

Bushehr’s Friday Imam and the local Basij reportedly endorse the recent Hezbollah protests.


Read the original article in Persian


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Read the original article in Persian


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