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“Satellite Channels Serve Satan”

January 6, 2015
1 min read
“Satellite Channels Serve Satan”

Basij assembly leader Saeed Nazari has claimed that enemies of Iran invest large amounts of money to destroy the country’s family values.

“The enemy is spending 168 million tomans [$48,000] on each Iranian family per month just to destroy the institution of the family,” he announced at a press conference in Hamedan on January 4.

“Satellite TV channels damage the family and have reduced contact time among family members from 24 hours to just 17 minutes a day,” a website affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards reported Nazari as saying.

“There are currently 46 million people involved in computer games, of which only 20 percent play the games professionally,” he added. “Most of the satellite TV channels are at the service of Satan and Zionists. We must stand up to them.”


Read the original article in Persian


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Today's newspapers in Iran

January 6, 2015
Today's newspapers in Iran