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Crowds Witness Executions in Mashhad

January 5, 2015
1 min read
Crowds Witness Executions in Mashhad

Hundreds of people gathered to witness the execution of three people in Mashhad on January 2.

The three people, aged 21, 22, and 23, were convicted of the rape of a woman in Torghabeh in 2014. Abbass Saremi, chief of security forces in the region, said that the three men had blocked a rural road, making it impossible for vehicles carrying groups of children and young people to pass. They then assaulted and abused a number of people and raped a young woman. “Although many of the victims did not complain, security forces acted upon the first complaint they received and arrested the three defendants,” Saremi said.

According to Korasan newspaper, people from Torghabeh and Shandiz gathered at a recreational area to watch the hangings.


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Today's newspapers in Iran

January 5, 2015
Today's newspapers in Iran