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Rapper Arrested in Mashhad

December 17, 2014
1 min read
Rapper Arrested in Mashhad

Underground rap singer Hossein Eblis was arrested in Mashhad on December 15. The arrest followed a ban on rap concerts, announced by Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance six days ago.

According to Khorasan Newspaper, security forces and the Morality Police of Khorasan-e-Razavi province conducted a joint raid, which resulted in the arrest of Hossein Eblis [Devil].

“The singer was under the surveillance of the security forces for some time,” the paper reported. “On Monday, the intelligence and public security agents of the province found clues that indicated this 27-year-old singer had set up a fully equipped studio in Mashhad.” An arrest warrant was issued by the judge residing over Branch 904 of Mashhad's Revolutionary Court.“Several musical instruments and sound equipment were found and confiscated.”

Eblis was thought to have started singing rap at the age of 16.

The report continued: “He had visited Central Asian countries a few years ago and was once arrested on charges of carrying marijuana, but returned to Iran after being released...He has produced 25 albums and collaborated with satellite TV channels.”

In addition to the recent ministry announcement prohibiting live rap gigs, some of the rapper’s lyrics could have contributed to the decision to arrest him. According to the police report, Hossein Eblis frequently mocked the language of authorities in his songs, many of which contain obscenities.


Read the original in Persian.


Society & Culture

Murder in Bristol

December 17, 2014
Liana Aghajanian
12 min read
Murder in Bristol