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Armed Robbers Attack Teachers

December 10, 2014
1 min read
Armed Robbers Attack Teachers
Armed Robbers Attack Teachers

Armed Robbers Attack Teachers


Armed men attacked two teachers in Sistan and Baluchistan as they returned from work on the evening of December 8. The attack was thought to be in connection with an attempted robbery.

According to the local office of the Ministry of Education, four men attacked and shot at Abdolhamid Kord and Naim Nadartazhi,  who work at Omid primary school in Klat Chat near the village of Goharshun in the Sistan and Baluchistan region. Kord was shot in the leg, but Nadabrtazhi was unharmed.

The governor of Sarbaz City confirmed the news. “Abdolhamid Kord is now in a stable condition,” he said. “The armed men shot the teachers after they failed to give them what they wanted. After the attack was reported to police,  a number of thieves known to the authorities were arrested, but the search for the four armed men continues.”

In November, a primary school teacher, Reza Sargazi, was killed by anonymous assailants in the province. His colleague said that two motorcyclists opened fire on Sargazi, who was from Karchan, between the towns of Sarbaz and Qasrqan. Following his death, the school where he worked was closed for several days.


Read the original article in Persian 


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December 9, 2014
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