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Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran

July 10, 2020
Photo Blog
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran
Mountains of Hospital Waste in Southern Tehran

Managers at Tehran's Arad Kooh waste processing and disposal complex have allocate a section of the site just for hospital waste, which has increased massively with the outbreak of coronavirus. Hospital waste cannot be burned because, in addition to polluting the air, it can spread infection. Despite this, it is regularly burned in this area, endangering the lives of nearby residents.

Photos: Mohammad Fallahizadeh, Rokna News Agency



Iraqi Kurdistan Warns of COVID-19 Surge as Iranians Storm Border

July 10, 2020
Mahmoud Al-Shamari
1 min read
Iraqi Kurdistan Warns of COVID-19 Surge as Iranians Storm Border