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Tehran’s Moving Basement

September 3, 2018
1 min read
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement
Tehran’s Moving Basement

Come rain or shine, in hot weather and cold, Tehran’s metro does what it always does. More than three million passengers ride the metro  every day, from playful children to old men wearing old hats. And the passengers — or at least the adults — do what they always do. They do their best to protect their private space while impatiently, eagerly or apprehensively waiting to reach their destination — each with his own way of biding the time.

Tehran’s metro operates a policy of gender segregation. The majority of these photographs were taken in men-only cars.


Photographs by Ali Jabbari, Tasnim News Agency


Special Features

Decoding Iran’s Politics:  All the Supreme Leader’s Institutions

August 31, 2018
16 min read
Decoding Iran’s Politics:  All the Supreme Leader’s Institutions