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Images of Iran

Resistance funfair in Mashhad

July 21, 2015
Resistance funfair in Mashhad
Resistance funfair in Mashhad
Resistance funfair in Mashhad
Resistance funfair in Mashhad
Resistance funfair in Mashhad
Resistance funfair in Mashhad
Resistance funfair in Mashhad
Resistance funfair in Mashhad

Mashhad city council has opened a different sort of funfair for children, a resistance funfair. In this funfair children play games, get involved in talks, poetry and storytelling to be familiarized with the concept of 'resistance' and enemy'.

Getting to know the concept of 'Fighting', 'ISIS' and 'sanction' are the other plans for the children in this funfair.


Speaking of Iran

Iran Unlikely to Spend most of its Post-sanctions Funds on Militants, CIA Says

July 21, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iran Unlikely to Spend most of its Post-sanctions Funds on Militants, CIA Says