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Images of Iran

Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View

December 11, 2014
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View
 Isfahan's Architectural Masterpiece Blocked from View

For 10 years, the magnificent Ali Qapu Palace in Isfahan has been covered in scaffolding. Visitors to the architectural masterpiece, which celebrates the Safavid dynasty (1501-1722), are ushered through rooms that look like building sites, their photographs of famous wall paintings and impressive columns obscured by metal poles and wooden planks. But Isfahan Cultural Center’s spokesperson Nasser Taheri says the scaffolding shows just how important the building is in terms of Iranian heritage, and will likely remain in place.



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December 11, 2014
Mana Neyestani
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