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Today's newspapers in Iran

December 8, 2014
Communications Minister Mahmood Vaezi: “Free flow of information reins in corruption.” [Iran]
Communications Minister Mahmood Vaezi: “Free flow of information reins in corruption.” [Iran]
President Rouhani: The new “Science Minister follows the path of previous candidates.” [Ebtekar]
President Rouhani: The new “Science Minister follows the path of previous candidates.” [Ebtekar]
Minister of Islamic Culture and Guidance Ali Jannati: “Persian-language ‘Cultural Google’ will be launched.” [Asia]
Minister of Islamic Culture and Guidance Ali Jannati: “Persian-language ‘Cultural Google’ will be launched.” [Asia]
President Rouhani: “I am committed to every promise that I have made to the people.” [Abrar]
President Rouhani: “I am committed to every promise that I have made to the people.” [Abrar]



President Rouhani, presumably, on the Revolutionary Guards: “When a group has a monopoly on guns, money and media, it inevitably becomes corrupt."

December 8, 2014
Mana Neyestani
 President Rouhani, presumably, on the Revolutionary Guards: “When a group has a monopoly on guns, money and media, it inevitably becomes corrupt."