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Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover

November 4, 2014
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover
Thousands in Tehran Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover

Today, to mark the anniversary of the fall of the US embassy in 1979, thousands of people took to the streets, many of them shouting anti-US slogans. The commemoration comes only days before key meetings about the future of Iran’s nuclear program – and amidst a recent increase in anti-American propaganda. This year, the anniversary also falls on the Day of Ashura, when Shia Muslims mourn the death of Imam Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.


Photos from Fars news agency 



Iran Foreign Policy and the Shiite Crescent

November 4, 2014
Muhammad Sahimi
5 min read
Iran Foreign Policy and the Shiite Crescent