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Images of Iran

Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform

October 10, 2014
Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform
Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform
Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform
Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform
Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform
Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform
Women Soldiers Sport New Uniform

It’s rare that female members of the armed services and police take part in combat exercises, but it’s even rarer to see them in camouflage. It remains to be seen how effective such a uniform would be in a conflict situation, given that the black hejab these soldiers wear over their army kits might not help them blend into the background.



Tasnim, Fars and Isna news agency 


Speaking of Iran

Iran Says It’s Under Attack by ISIS

October 10, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iran Says It’s Under Attack by ISIS