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Today's newspapers in Iran

September 4, 2014
President Rouhani: “We want to eradicate poverty by destroying its roots.” [Ettela’at]
President Rouhani: “We want to eradicate poverty by destroying its roots.” [Ettela’at]
Moscow Open Its Gates to Iranian Businessmen. [Haft-e Sobh]
Moscow Open Its Gates to Iranian Businessmen. [Haft-e Sobh]
Morteza Alviri, Former Mayor of Tehran: “The government has a difficult year and a half ahead.” [Etemad]
Morteza Alviri, Former Mayor of Tehran: “The government has a difficult year and a half ahead.” [Etemad]
Government Spokesman: “Currency prices will be stabilized by following a soft policy.” [Ebtekar]
Government Spokesman: “Currency prices will be stabilized by following a soft policy.” [Ebtekar]
