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Today's newspapers in Iran

August 20, 2014
Minister of Economy: “The fall of inflation was like a miracle.” [Zaman]
Minister of Economy: “The fall of inflation was like a miracle.” [Zaman]
Member of Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution: “The president warned the Minister of Culture 3 Times.” [Resalat]
Member of Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution: “The president warned the Minister of Culture 3 Times.” [Resalat]
People’s Representative Impeach Science Minister. [Asr-e Iranian]
People’s Representative Impeach Science Minister. [Asr-e Iranian]
Trial after Impeachment: The illegal publication of the scholarship list by the Science Ministry angered academia. [Vatan-e Emrouz]
Trial after Impeachment: The illegal publication of the scholarship list by the Science Ministry angered academia. [Vatan-e Emrouz]
Intelligence Minister: “We must not use security as an excuse to make people’s lives miserable.”[Ettela’at]
Intelligence Minister: “We must not use security as an excuse to make people’s lives miserable.”[Ettela’at]


Society & Culture

Ali Pir Hossein Lou, Crime: Journalism

August 20, 2014
2 min read
Ali Pir Hossein Lou, Crime: Journalism