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The Ruins of Biglar Beygi

July 1, 2014
Iran wire
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi
The Ruins of Biglar Beygi

Biglar Beygi, also known as Fath Abaad, is no longer a grand and majestic sight to behold. The building and its grounds, influenced by the Shahzaadeh Mahan garden and dating back to the Qajar dynasty (1785-1925), is now run down and covered in graffiti. The abandoned complex is located in Ekhtiaar Abaad village, 25 kilometers from Kerman in southeastern Iran.



From Homs to Azadi Square: Iran and the Spectacle of Syria

July 1, 2014
Roland Elliott Brown
15 min read
From Homs to Azadi Square: Iran and the Spectacle of Syria