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Images of Iran

Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz

June 4, 2014
Photo Blog
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz
Protest Against Proposed Towers in Farzaneh Garden, Shiraz

 A group of demonstrators gathered at Shiraz’s Farzaneh Garden in late May to protest against the city’s plan to build two 25-floor towers in the much-loved public space. Environmental activists, who created a human chain during the protest, argued that the garden operates as the city’s lungs and should not be developed.



Maturity–For Gholamreza Khosravi‎

June 4, 2014
Mana Neyestani
 Maturity–For Gholamreza Khosravi‎