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Rouhani: Iran Will Abide by Its Nuclear Commitments if America Does Too

January 21, 2021
Dana Saqbani
2 min read
Rouhani: Iran Will Abide by Its Nuclear Commitments if America Does Too

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has declared that his country will abide by the commitments it made in the 2015 nuclear deal if the United States agrees to do the same.

At a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Rouhani said that if the US adheres to United Nations Resolution 2231, which applied the commitments made by both countries in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran would follow suit.

Donald Trump, Rouhani said in his address, was "gone," but the nuclear agreement remained "alive”. He added that Iran expected the US to “remove all the stains of the past four years, that is if they can be removed... If they show their honesty in action, toward the laws and the resolution that they voted for and commitments they signed on for, naturally we will also implement all our commitments.”

 On Tuesday, Josep Borrell, the European Union’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, warned that the nuclear deal was "at a critical juncture."

In in a letter addressed to European foreign ministers, Borrell wrote: "We have seen very concerning developments on the nuclear side as well as new rounds of US sanctions, all of which risk undermining diplomatic efforts, including ours, to facilitate a US return to the JCPOA and to bring back Iran to the full implementation of its JCPOA commitments in the region."

The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2231 in July 2015. It required Iran not to conduct any tests of missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in exchange for the US lifting economic sanctions on Iran and a freeze on Islamic Republic-linked assets in the United States.

In May 2018, the US withdrew from the JCPOA while then-president Donald Trump imposed fresh sanctions on both individuals and entities in Iran.


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