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Syria Violates New Sanctions as it Enters Lebanese Territory

October 7, 2020
Imad Chidiac
2 min read
Syria Violates New Sanctions as it Enters Lebanese Territory

In direct violation of newly-imposed sanctions, a Syrian cargo ship has entered Lebanese waters, a Lebanese independent television station has revealed. 

Following an investigation carried out by Lebanese outlet MTV, news emerged on October 3 that Al-Nam, a Jaguar S vessel designed to transport gasoline, had left Harasta near Damascus, entered Lebanese territorial waters and went on to Tripoli, northern Lebanon, before docking off Al-Zahrani beach in the south. When customs officials examined the shipping route data and other information, it became clear that the cargo had not been imported by any Lebanese oil company or other Lebanese business.

On June 17, the United States introduced the Caesar Act, a package of sanctions designed to punish Syria for war crimes against Syrian citizens and to tackle the business interests and illegal activity of the Syrian regime and those linked to it. As a long-standing supporter of Syria, the Iranian government and the Revolutionary Guards are also targeted by the new rules, which are due to be in place for at least five years. The recent incident appears to be an attempt to bypass these sanctions. 

The vessel flew the flag of Panama, and MTV said its name had been changed on several occasions.

The MTV report also stated that the ship had entered Lebanese waters before, but that on those occasions its cargo, as well as the company set to receive the cargo, had not been identified. On this occasion, the ship was carrying 2,987 tons of gasoline, equivalent to 4 million liters.

The Lebanese General Directorate of Petroleum confirmed it knew nothing about the Al-Nam vessel and that Lebanon’s oil imports were “based on tenders conducted by an officially-mandated specialist committee in accordance with the rules.” It said the ship and its trajectory were “therefore now under investigation by the competent authorities."

Another independent channel, Al-Jadeed TV, reported that the Lebanese judiciary was taking steps to “return the ship,” which the media outlet said had initially traveled from Greece, “on the condition that those in charge of it provide guarantees that it will not be shipped elsewhere.” The vessel, the judiciary said, should not embark on further operations of any sort until an investigation into the violation had concluded.


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