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Tehran Prosecutor Issues Arrest Warrant for Trump

June 29, 2020
1 min read
Tehran Prosecutor Issues Arrest Warrant for Trump

Tehran prosecutor Ali Alghasi Mehr has issued an arrest warning for United States President Donald Trump and those responsible for the assassination of Ghasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force who was killed by US drones in January. 

“Thirty-six people who were involved in and ordered the assassination of Hajj Ghasem, including the political and military officials of the United States and other governments, have been identified. Judiciary officials issued an arrest warrant for them, and a red alert declared for their arrest through the international police [INTERPOL],” Fars News Agency, which is linked to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and its overseas operations unit the Quds Force, reported.

Alghasi Mehr announced they faced charges of "murder" and carrying out a "terrorist act," adding for clarification: ”The US President Donald Trump is at the top of the list and his prosecution will be pursued even after his term expires."

Soleimani was killed in a US airstrike near Baghdad airport. The drones attacked two convoys of Hast al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Forces] vehicles, targeting several militia officials, on Friday, January 3, 2020. 

In retaliation, Iran fired missiles at the Ain al-Assad base, one of the US-led coalition's strongholds in Iraq, on January 8. No casualties were reported. Hours after the attack, IRGC Air Defense downed Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 outside Tehran, killing 176 people on board. Three days later, Iran’s Joint Chief of Staff announced that human error had caused the missile launch on the passenger plane.


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Second Coronavirus Spike Begins in Many Provinces

June 29, 2020
Shahed Alavi
9 min read
Second Coronavirus Spike Begins in Many Provinces