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Afghan Activists Demand Justice for Murdered Migrants

May 7, 2020
IranWire Citizen Journalist
4 min read
On Tuesday, May 5, a group of civil activists and residents of Herat, Afghanistan, protested against an incident on the Afghan-Iran border that resulted in Afghan refugees drowning
On Tuesday, May 5, a group of civil activists and residents of Herat, Afghanistan, protested against an incident on the Afghan-Iran border that resulted in Afghan refugees drowning
Civil society activists demanded that the Afghan government speak out about the issue
Civil society activists demanded that the Afghan government speak out about the issue
Locals and some local officials have called for a thorough investigation, and for an independent fact-finding committee to be set up
Locals and some local officials have called for a thorough investigation, and for an independent fact-finding committee to be set up

Afghans have protested against the deaths of more than 50 refugees after Iranian border guards allegedly forced them into a river to drown.

On Tuesday 5 May, a group of civil activists and Herat residents gathered outside the governor's office to protest against the drowning of the Afghan migrants, who eyewitnesses say were forced to jump or were pushed into the Harirud River after being assaulted. They demanded officials take action against Iran and its border patrol. 

The incident took place on Saturday, May 2. Afghan media reported that Iranian border guards had arrested and then physically attacked the refugees before throwing them into the river. Iran has denied the allegations, and the Afghan foreign ministry has demanded a thorough investigation. Herat governor Seyed Vahid Qatali confirmed this, telling IranWire that cause of the drownings was being examined, and that the results of the investigation were to be provided to President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani. 

Though the ministry ordered the investigation, which some local officials have said should be supported by an independent fact-finding committee, the Afghan government has not yet officially commented on the incident. According to Afghan officials, Kabul and Tehran have agreed to form the investigation committee. 

The regular disappearance of Afghan migrants on the border between the two countries has angered citizens and civil society activists. At a rally, they called for the perpetrators to be brought to justice, the Islamic Republic to be held accountable, and compensation to be paid. In addition, the Afghan government has been under pressure from the public to take action.

Speaking to IranWire, Seyed Ashraf Sadat, a human rights activist from Herat province who attended the rally, said that Iranian forces have always been violent towards Afghan migrants: "In the recent incident, all human and human rights values have been neglected. We want this issue to be investigated and brought to justice in international courts. Otherwise, it could be the beginning of another tragedy and the repetition of similar incidents." 

Mohammad Qasim is the uncle of one of the victims, who has been named as Abdolbari (no first name was available). Before the brutal treatment that led to him drowning, the victim was his household’s only breadwinner. "Abdolbari's parents are in shock and are suffering from extreme anxiety,” Qasim said, adding that the family was incredibly angry as well. Islam — no religion — says [it is acceptable] to capture a human being, beat him, and then throw him into the sea, watch him and then laugh. We call on the government to pursue the killing of these children. Iran must pay compensation." Qasim added that Abdolbari's body had been badly bruised as the result of being beaten.

Halimeh Pajvak is one of those who protested outside the governor’s office, and who also attended the rally. Speaking to h IranWire, she stressed that the Afghan government must not remain silent on the issue: "This is not the first or the last time that Iranian border guards have killed Afghan migrants. The Iranian government must be stopped from committing such crimes. Iran should not allow Afghan refugees to be killed. Afghan migrants have been arrested, tortured, and brutally murdered. This is illegal and against human values.” She called on the Iranian government to prosecute and punish the perpetrators.

Mobin Jundival also took part in the protests. "This is Iran's inhumane act, and we call on countries concerned, the United Nations, and the Hague Tribunal to address this issue," he told IranWire. "Instead of opening its arms to the immigrants of the neighboring country, Iran is shooting at our compatriots. This is an inhumane crime, and we will not stop fighting until justice is done for our martyrs."

Many Afghans and Iranians went on to social media to express their outrage, calling for the Islamic Republic to be held accountable and accept responsibility — and for Iran to overhaul its policies on how it treats refugees and migrants. 

Homayoun Shahidzadeh, a member of parliament for Farah province in Afghanistan, condemned the incident on Facebook: "The obvious crime of the Iranian border guards against the oppressed Afghan refugees is against human rights, and immigration and asylum laws."

Sahra Karimi, an Afghan filmmaker and director, said on Twitter: "If there is a war in Iran, Iranians will be forced to emigrate; they will come to Afghanistan. How will we Afghans treat Iranian immigrants? Surely we will not throw between 30 and 50 people into the river. We Afghans, despite whatever negative characteristics we might have, have a good character. We never kill our guests and asylum seekers."

For years, Afghans have traveled to Iran and other neighboring countries to work, both legally and illegally — poverty and insecurity are chief among the reasons they do so. But now more and more migrants are disappearing, and in many cases, nothing is ever heard about what happened to them. Many have lost their lives. This most recent harrowing and shocking incident has once again exposed that authorities on both sides need to do more. Many migrants wish to return to their homeland after they leave, but this incident has seen them returned in the most heartbreaking way. 




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