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People Afraid to Leave Home Because of Coronavirus

February 24, 2020
IranWire Citizen Journalist
People Afraid to Leave Home Because of Coronavirus

A citizen journalist has told IranWire that people in Qom are afraid to leave their homes after it was announced that 50 people in the city have contracted the coronavirus.


The video the Qom resident sent IranWire shows streets that are usually busy and filled with people now practically abandoned. "People have stayed at home for fear of coronavirus," the journalist told IranWire. "There are no masks or alcohol [for sanitizing] left in the town. In some neighborhoods, bakeries have stopped selling bread and baked goods, and people are having trouble buying basic commodities in other neighborhoods.”




Millions of Iranians Fear the Worst for Banned Superstar Singer

February 24, 2020
Shima Shahrabi
5 min read
Millions of Iranians Fear the Worst for Banned Superstar Singer