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Protests Continue Despite Crackdown

January 14, 2020
Protests Continue Despite Crackdown

After two days of protests and heavy-handed tactics by Iranian police — both uniformed and in plainclothes — as well as security agents and the special Forces to Protect the Supreme Leader (NOPU), on January 13 and January 14, authorities did their best to stop people from going out in the streets. 

But in several cities across the country, including Sanandaj in Kurdistan, Isfahan and the capital Tehran, people continued to show their anguish and anger, risking their lives to go out on the streets. 

Protests in Tehran, January 14




Protests in Sanandaj, January 14

Protests in Isfahan, January 14



"A beastly error, not a human one"

January 14, 2020
IranWire Citizen Journalist
4 min read
"A beastly error, not a human one"