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Kurdish Artist Arrested

November 14, 2019
1 min read
Kurdish Artist Arrested

An informed source has told IranWire that Parisa Seifi, a cultural activist and artist and a resident of Sanandaj, the capital of Iranian Kurdistan, was arrested on November 12. Plainclothes agents from Sanandaj Intelligence Bureau arrested Seifi at her home and took her to an unknown location.

“Ms. Seifi has never been involved in any political activity,” said the source. “She is an artist and cultural activist from the city of Kamyaran who lives in Sanandaj. Her family is very worried about her.” According to the source, over the last week, Parisa Seifi has had only a brief phone conversation with her family, but she made no mention of where she was being detained or why she had been arrested. The arresting agents did not show a warrant outlining the reasons for her arrest.

“Parisa was friends with a number of civil and environmental activists and her family and friends speculate that she might have been arrested because of this,” said the source. “But, as of now, no government agency or bureau has given the family a clear reason for her arrest.”




Justice at Last? 1988 Massacre Suspect Arrested in Sweden

November 14, 2019
Mahrokh Gholamhosseinpour
7 min read
Justice at Last? 1988 Massacre Suspect Arrested in Sweden