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Khamenei Calls for Swift Investigation and Revenge for Bombing

February 14, 2019
2 min read
Khamenei Calls for Swift Investigation and Revenge for Bombing

Ayatollah Khamenei has accused “spy agencies of certain countries in the region and beyond” of involvement in February 13’s suicide attack on a bus transporting Revolutionary Guards. According to the Guards’ own reports, 27 died and a further 13 were injured when a car reportedly crashed into the bus in Sistan and Baluchistan in southeastern Iran.  

Separatist group Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) said it was responsible for the crime. 

Khamenei, who said the “agencies” had links to those responsible, called for an immediate investigation into the terror attack. He also demanded that the Revolutionary Guards investigate whether there had been any negligence with regard to any of its operations or routine activities.


Blame for US, Israel and Allies

According to the BBC and other media, President Rouhani offered his condolences and was more direct when apportioning blame, calling the attack “another stain of infamy on the black record of the principal supporters of terrorism in the White House and in Tel Aviv and their accomplices in the region.” He promised that the “instigators and all the agents of this hideous and ghastly action” would soon be punished.

The president’s comments echoed promises from Commander Ali Fadavi, the coordination deputy of the Guards: “As in previous instances, the terrorists will receive a strong and decisive response from us,” he said.

Those killed were members of Isfahan’s 25th Revolutionary Guards Division, and their bodies have been transferred to Isfahan. Isfahan has declared two days of mourning, and the governor of Sistan and Baluchistan has declared three days of mourning.

General Mohammad Ali Jafari, Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Guards, asked neighboring Pakistan to tighten security measures along its border with Iran to prevent terrorists and the mercenaries “hostile to both countries” taking further action. He promised that the Revolutionary Guards would take revenge on the “evildoers” affiliated with the “world arrogance” — meaning the United States.

Hours after the attack, other key officials commented, including Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, who questioned why such an attack would take place on the same day as a conference about the Middle East hosted by the United States got underway in Warsaw, Poland.

In response to Zarif, Poland’s Foreign Ministry tweeted that Poland condemns terrorism in any shape or form, and referred to what had happened in Sistan and Baluchistan. The tweet also rejected the idea that there were “terrorists” in Warsaw: “This is where democracy, freedom of expression and solidarity exists,” the ministry posted.

Bahram Ghassemi, a spokesman for the foreign ministry, also said Jaish al-Adl was supported by “some governments in the region” and added: “The brave sons of Iran will take revenge for the blood of today’s martyrs.”

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah condemned the attack and pointed the finger at the US, Israel and their allies in the region. 

Sistan and Baluchistan is Iran's poorest and least developed province and has a large population of Sunni Muslims. Political activists in the province say the Iranian government carries out discriminatory policies against the Sunni population.







Speaking of Iran

I did it for my daughter, says woman arrested for headscarf protest in Iran

February 14, 2019
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
I did it for my daughter, says woman arrested for headscarf protest in Iran