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Iran Seeks “Humanitarian” Solution for Jason Rezaian

October 19, 2015
1 min read
Iran Seeks “Humanitarian” Solution for Jason Rezaian
Iran Seeks “Humanitarian” Solution for Jason Rezaian

Iran Seeks “Humanitarian” Solution for Jason Rezaian

Iran is seeking a fair solution to the case of jailed Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Saturday, October 17.

Speaking to reporters at the preliminary meeting of the Munich Security Conference in Tehran, Zarif said that the judiciary was responsible for overseeing Rezaian’s case, but that the government will try to resolve the case from a “humanitarian point of view,” according to the Islamic Republic News Agency

Rezaian, who holds dual Iranian and United States citizenship, has been jailed in Iran for more than a year on a number of serious charges, including espionage. He could face up to 20 years in prison.

On October 11, judiciary spokesman Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei said a court had convicted the Washington Post correspondent and that he had 20 days to appeal the decision, but provided no further details.

The Washington Post expressed its frustration over the announcement. Executive editor Martin Baron said the announcement “only adds to the injustice” that the journalist has faced since his arrest in July 2014.


Society & Culture

Iraqi Kurdistan According to Bahman Ghobadi

October 16, 2015
Mohammad Abdi
6 min read
Iraqi Kurdistan According to Bahman Ghobadi