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Have You no Shame? Where is Your Wife’s Hijab?

May 12, 2014
Touka Neyestani
Have You no Shame? Where is Your Wife’s Hijab?
Have You no Shame? Where is Your Wife’s Hijab?

Hardliner activists gathered in Tehran’s Fatemi Square on May 7th, calling for women across the country to observe the Islamic Republic’s dress code. Demonstrators held signs with the message: “Sir, have you no shame? Where is your wife’s hijab?”, while others chanted slogans and voiced anger over recent anti-Hijab sentiment, including a popular Facebook campaign that featured photographs of women in public places without headscarves.



“Iran’s Missile Program Is Not up for Negotiation”

May 12, 2014
Reza HaghighatNejad
3 min read
“Iran’s Missile Program Is Not up for Negotiation”