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Waiting for Execution

April 29, 2014
Mana Neyestani
1 min read
Waiting for Execution
Waiting for Execution

The public hanging of Reyhaneh Jabbari, found guilty of the murder of an intelligence officer who raped her in 2007, is due to take place imminently. There has been an international outcry against the sentence, with more than 160,000 people on Facebook signing a petition for the execution to be stayed.

Jabbari was 19 years old when she was raped and has spent the last seven years in prison.

The court rejected Jabbari’s claims that she stabbed the agent in self-defense, stating that there were no witnesses to the attack. The victim’s relatives refuse to forgive her, a move that could save her life. Instead, they insist that she withdraws her claims. 



Mousavi In Hospital

April 29, 2014
Reza HaghighatNejad
1 min read
Mousavi In Hospital