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The Abadan Residents Forced to Clean their Neighbourhood

July 8, 2019
IranWire Citizen Journalist
The Abadan Residents Forced to Clean their Neighbourhood

This report is from an IranWire citizen journalist who lives in Abadan’s teachers neighborhood.


The Water and Sewage Bureau (WSB) has dug up the streets and then left it. The city government doesn’t care and the WSB doesn’t want to finish the job. If somebody is disabled or old, he would be imprisoned in his home and be unable to leave. We pay to make the neighborhood a little bit cleaner out of our own pockets. The neighbors pitch in money to hire laborers. This is the government agencies’ job, not ours. But there’s nothing we can do about it.




This Sewage Hole Can Kill

July 8, 2019
اهالی ایران وایر
1 min read
This Sewage Hole Can Kill