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IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border

May 30, 2014
1 min read
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border
IranWire Photo Competition: Football on the Border

The small village of Mullah Ali is located in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan, just three kilometers from the border with Afghanistan. At one time, the nearby Hamoon Lake and vast marshlands were thriving and healthy, but, due to a long drought, Mullah Ali is now a desert village, its green landscape long gone.

Like kids in so many villages in Iran, the youth of Mullah Ali are in love with football. Nothing can discourage them—not lack of facilities, not the rough and rocky terrain, or the fact that they must play barefoot. Each afternoon, children and teenagers gather together, form two teams, and play football until nightfall. 

View "Football in Khuzestan"



Instagram, Iranian Style

May 30, 2014
Touka Neyestani
Instagram, Iranian Style