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League Games in Mahshahr

June 24, 2014
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr
League Games in Mahshahr

On the popular football pitches of Mahshahr, players take their game seriously. Dressed in full uniform, local teams compete against each other, hoping to top the league. Players and coaches all contribute towards the cost of the league, ensuring teams have adequate equipment and can pay for referees. What’s left over from the money collected goes to the winning team.


Society & Culture

Iran’s Fans Shine in Belo Horizonte

June 23, 2014
Bruno Hazov
3 min read
Iran’s Fans Shine in Belo Horizonte