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With Hardline Flame Rekindled, Rafsanjani Becomes a Target

October 14, 2013
Reza HaghighatNejad
6 min read
With Hardline Flame Rekindled, Rafsanjani Becomes a Target
With Hardline Flame Rekindled, Rafsanjani Becomes a Target

With Hardline Flame Rekindled, Rafsanjani Becomes a Target

On the eve of nuclear talks in Geneva aimed at reviving negotiations between Iran and the West, Iran's hardline press is in fractious mode, attacking the government of Hassan Rouhani for showing an alleged leniency to the West, attacking former president Rafsanjani for the same, and  deriding Rouhani's suggestion of conducting an opinion poll on US-Iran relations.

The hardline opponents of Rouhani found their initial excuse to go on the offensive in the Supreme Leader's recent criticism of some aspects of Rouhani’s recent trip to New York, which he described the US government as “unreliable,  arrogant, illogical and a promise breaker”.

The leader’s comments paved the ground for widespread criticism among hardline opponents of the new government in Iran. “The main goal of Americans in pursuing negotiation with Iran is creating domestic political gap (inside Iran), solving its problems in the Middle East and consolidating its position as a superpower”, wrote Iran’s hardliner website “Mashregh News” adding, “they are the ones who need to negotiate, not Iran.”

“Iran is looking for every opportunity to wipe Israel off the earth,”  the conservative website “Bulletin News” emphasized. “The issue of negotiation with America remains in question as long as America and Israel are united and the US is unable to get rid of its heavy commitments to Zionists occupiers.”

The 598 website close to "Jebhe Paydari-e Enghelab-e Eslami" (Front of Stability of the Islamic Revolution) also welcomed Khamnei's comments. “Be assured that the ultimate outcome of this so-called negotiation would be nothing other than further unveiling of true nature of the west in general and America in particular; Hereinafter, ‘Death to America’ would be heard in a stronger tone and louder voice”, the website concluded.

Raja News, another website affiliated to the Stability Front, also criticized the telephone conversation between Rouhani and Obama: “One of the biggest achievements of this short telephone conversation for the White House was proving that it is indeed possible to force Iran to change its behavior through increasing pressures on this country.” The website went on to warn that Iran “will face a new wave of sanctions if it fails to comply with increased demands of Americans” during the talks in Geneva.

A former member of Iran’s nuclear negotiation team, Mehdi Mohammadi, described the Supreme Leader’s approach towards Rouhani as supportive and at the same time vigilant. “The recent comments made by Ayatollah Khamenei prove that the government has been given certain authority in advancing its programs; however, they should know that these are only limited permits and not indefinite ones. Leader’s criticism over some inappropriate decisions taken during Rouhani’s trip to New York –probably including a telephone conversation with Obama – clearly shows the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution masters the rules to maintain revolutionary in pursuing diplomacy and like 2003-2005 time period (the last two years of Khatami's presidency), the Leader would closely monitor all actions and decisions taken by the current government. As Leader’s record in safeguarding the principles of revolution and national interests suggest, he would surely give warnings, make decisions and eventually take necessary actions when needed,” Mohammadi opined in an article published by Iran’s Tasnim news agency.

It's All Rafsanjani's Fault

Former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, whose constant comments on US-Iran relations have angered conservatives, emerged as the next and most important target of conservative wrath.

“The issue of policy making on negotiation and establishing relations with the US lies within leadership’s domain of authority. When talking about such issues, one should think twice if it is intended to help the (Iranian) Leader or Obama! Which one? Those individuals should never let themselves talk in a position they never hold… Mr. Hashemi should know that the fourth generation of revolution who are dedicated to exercise the will of Imam (Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini), don’t  fall short in fighting against anyone who deviates from principles of our foreign policy”, wrote Mohamad Kazem Anbarloei, a member of the editorial board of Resalat daily, in a note published by Tasnim News Agency.

There have even been harsher reactions towards Hashemi Rafsanjani. Jahan News website, published under supervision of "Alireza Zakani" a conservative member of Iranian Parliament, republished a note entitled “Imam’s response to a mercenary Molla (clergy) who was demanding the omission of Death to America" and wrote: "The slogan of ‘Death to America’ is not a curse – as Hashemi describes – it is rather a prayer that every Muslim should say in order to polish their minds and hearts."

The author has also referred to the remarks made by Ali Khamenei who once defended the slogan of 'Death to America’ and described it as being “based on logical pillars, entirely rational and truly consistent with national interests of Islamic Iran".

Whatever You Do, Don't Poll

Hassan Rouhani’s comments about conducting a public poll on the performance of his administration during the New York trip, in particular the issue of US-Iran relations, was the third area covered by the conservative media that received excessive negative reactions from conservative figures. President’s comment brought some pro-government conservative MPs like "Ali Motahari" and "Ahmad Tavakoli" in line with the opponents and critics of the decision.

‘Alef’ website, affiliated to Ahmad Tavakoli, called the initiative “a strategic mistake” perpetuated by Rouhani’s administration. “If the result of such a public poll comes out showing that the Iranian people are willing to improve relations with the US, this can exert pressure on  Iranian negotiators to an extent that they find themselves in a situation of having no option other than compromising with representatives of the US government and probably even disregarding the national interest. Moreover, the western countries may decide to demand more, knowing that the Iranian government would face increased pressure from its public opinion should the talks fail.”

Iran-e Hasteei, a website close to Saeid Jalili – Iran's former chief nuclear negotiator – also criticized Hassan Rouhani’s public poll initiative. "The main goal of the government in raising such an issue is to publish the results of particular surveys in order to show that its actions and decisions are backed by a vast majority of people and give a warning to its opponents and critics that opposing the government would result in confronting with people and standing against their legitimate demands,” the website wrote. “The government may think practicing this tactic would make its opponents and critics more cautious, as a result of which the government can take what Mr. Rouhani calls greater steps in a smooth manner. The reality however is that such an inefficient and immature approach can never help the government in solving its problems. "

In addition, Fars news agency also published several interviews in which it described such public polls on improving relations with the US as irrational and unnecessary under the current circumstances of the country.

Prior to unclear talks in Geneva, a decline in the slogans and amount of political emotions by hardline conservatives is unlikely to happen. After a week or two of silence, the hardliners have stockpiled enough ammunition from Iranian leader’s remarks and will continue to fire, pending the upcoming nuclear talks with 5+1. It seems that the Iranian hardline conservatives, who hope to revive their political credit, are eagerly waiting for the failure of talks, even more than what the Israeli officials long for!



Ramin Jahanbegloo on the Future, A Place Between Amnesia and Vengeance

October 14, 2013
Azadeh Moaveni
15 min read
Ramin Jahanbegloo on the Future, A Place Between Amnesia and Vengeance