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Iran Tightens Borders, Prohibits Gulf Swimming In Lead-up to Vote: A Round-up of Regional News Ahead of Today's Election

June 14, 2013
2013 Presidential Elections
2 min read
Iran Tightens Borders, Prohibits Gulf Swimming In Lead-up to Vote: A Round-up of Regional News Ahead of Today's Election
Iran Tightens Borders, Prohibits Gulf Swimming In Lead-up to Vote: A Round-up of Regional News Ahead of Today's Election
By Sety Sadri
Iran is heightening security in preparation for today's election by restricting its borders and blocking public access to the internet. Iran's border to Iraq in the western province of Kordestan will be closed for three days beginning electionFriday, Farse News Agency reported.  Bushehr province has announced that it will prohibit swimming on its Persian Gulf coastline during the course of the elections, the Persian Gulf News Agency reports.

According to Fars News, the governor of Eastern Azarbaijan has held a meeting to establish increased security in the region during the elections. Governor Ahmad Alireza Beegy alleges that foreign media is responsible for instigating unrest by alleging that the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij are responsible for misconduct.

On June 9 the campaign Shiraz headquarters of former candidate Mohammad Reza Aref and forerunner Hassan Rouhani were raided by Iran's National Security forces during which banners and posters were torn and campaign workers were physically assaulted by the security agents, Daneshjoo News has reported. Two days prior to this incident, a student rallying at Rohani's campaign headquarters in Shiraz was brutally beaten and arrested by authorities.

The Revolutionary Guards have announced the confiscation of 2,846 satellite dishes in the northwestern state of Zanjan, Fars New Agency reported on June 1. The following day Mehr News reported that the chief of police of Arak has advised that 44 internet sites and blogs have been blocked from public access.

On June 13, in the city of Khoramshahr in Lorestan an altercation between members of rival presidential candidates has led to the stabbing and hospitalization of Amir Mohammadi, a supporter of presidential hopeful Saeed Jalili, Enfetar news reported. Morteza Mahmoodvand who is one of the leaders of Mohsen Rezaii's marketing campaign disrupted a meeting of Jalili's supporters outside of a masque by shouting insults at the participants and stabbing Mohammadi who is now in critical condition.


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