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Green or Purple, What's At Stake?

June 12, 2013
2013 Presidential Elections
1 min read
Green or Purple, What's At Stake?
Green or Purple, What's At Stake?

It doesn't matter these days whether the supporters of reform are wearing green or purple, or even whether Rowhani is even a reformist in the first place. What matters is the rise of a Rafsanjani man, the same Rafsanjani that the Principalist conservatives have fought and killed to keep at the margins these past ten years. What matters is that the voices and images of men like Mousavi, Karroubi, and Khatami are back in the fray of Iran's politics, despite all attempts over the past four years by Ayatollah Jannati and his allies to wipe them off the scene. Even now they hope to expunge him, so that they can crow they brought him down just as they did Rafsanjani and Khatami. Whatever happens, these days will be etched in the conservatives' memory for years to come. Days in which the shadow of 2009 is only too apparent. 



Iran’s Presidential Election: The Make-Up Behind the Veil

June 12, 2013
2013 Presidential Elections
6 min read
Iran’s Presidential Election: The Make-Up Behind the Veil