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Baha’is of Iran

Two Baha'i Citizens Arrested in ​​Tehran

February 2, 2022
1 min read
Two Baha'i Citizens Arrested in ​​Tehran

The HRANA News Agency reports that two Baha'i citizens in the Marlik area of ​​Tehran have been arrested. According to this report, security forces arrested Pari Kargarian Marvasti and Daniel Baninejad, two Baha’is, along with another citizen, Esmaeil Molaei, and transferred them to an unknown location.

The report also said that Pari Kargarian's home was searched and some of her personal belongings, including cell phones, electronics, pictures, and books related to the Baha'i faith were seized.

In recent days, the Islamic Republic has detained several other Baha'i citizens in various parts of Iran, on a number of unspecified charges.

The Baha'i International Community, which represents the worldwide Baha’i community at the United Nations, has called allegations against Iranian Baha’is "baseless" and say Baha'is are being detained by the Islamic Republic's security services only because of their religious beliefs. Detaining people on such grounds would be a violation of Iran’s constitution.

More than 200 Baha’is were executed in the years after the 1979 Islamic Republic. Today Baha’is suffer widespread and systematic violations of their civil rights – including by being denied the right to study at universities and experiencing repeated property confiscations.

Related coverage:

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Crackdown on Baha'is in Baharestan

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'Extortion': Iranian MPs U-Turn on Military Service Buy-Out Scheme

February 1, 2022
Roghayeh Rezaei
6 min read
'Extortion': Iranian MPs U-Turn on Military Service Buy-Out Scheme